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I had a dream that I shall write a collection of poems but I didn't know when, where, how. Actually, we don't know how we will do things that we have dreamed about. But it happens, if you want with your heart. This happened to me also. I had dreamed about writing a collection of poems that came true. The book is named as "One Drop Of Consciousness, A Step Towards Truth '' and is such that if you talk less without doing any compromise with your thoughts to others, suddenly you become conscious by your own nature. Poet & Poem is like that poet is more conscious that he describes his thoughts without breaking any conversation. He cuts half of his words and says the same thing that he wants. Is it possible, yes, of course. It is possible. When you are conscious enough to see things that way it is. The more you become conscious, you will get in touch with the truth. Sound is compulsion, silence is Consciousness, so poems are part of consciousness. Many sages, saints used to express their thoughts in poems. It became Vedas, Upanishads. It is all about having to go from compulsiveness to Consciousness.

One Drop Of Consciousness, A Step Towards Truth By Author Prashant Tiwari

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  • Pranam,


    I am very happy that the quality of my thought and way of living are benefiting people who read and get in touch with me on social media, or personally. My name is Prashant Tiwari. I am working professionally in the hospitality industry. Along with that, I write books as well as poetry. I have not been since one year ago. Different, I didn't know what life was about. What's the world about, can a thought and emotion become more important than I think, like this.

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