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Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Wisshhh Publishing Company is a Book Publishing Company in India. It works for those who loves writing, But they haven't ideas to get their book published. So, here we are to help you with this.

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Updated: Jan 31, 2023

How often will I receive my Author Earnings?

Profits from print book sales in India: All print books sold via Indian eCommerce sites are reported on your Author Dashboard as soon as orders are confirmed and determined for each month. Your earnings for each month is paid out within 40 days from the end of the month the sales are reported in.

For example, all sales for the month of January are paid to you by the 10th of March.

Profits from International print book sales: Print copies of your book are sold via various international eCommerce sites and are updated on your author dashboard every 90 days after accounting for any returns and taxes levied on the book in each geography where your book sells. Your earnings for each month are paid to you in the subsequent month.

For example, all international sales in the month of January are updated on your dashboard in the month of April and the profits from January are paid to you on the 10th of May.

Profits from eBook sales: eBooks are sold across the world by multiple retailers. eBook sales across various retailers and geographies are reconciled and updated on your dashboard every 90 days. Your earnings for each month are paid to you in the subsequent month.

For example, all eBook sales in the month of January are updated on your dashboard in the month of April and the profits from January are paid to you on the 10th of May.

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